There is a need for access to clean potable water worldwide. However, almost every source of surface water in Guatemala is contaminated. This study assesses the potential exposure to water contaminants in proximity to Medecins Sans Frontieres's (MSF) chronic kidney disease clinic population in La Gomera, Guatemala during wet and dry seasons. Five municipal wells and four artisanal wells (servicing approximately 18.9% of La Gomera) were selected for their proximity to MSF La Gomera clinic to determine the presence of coliforms, physicochemical parameters, heavy metals, and pesticide residues. Water samples were collected over 3 consecutive days during La Gomera's wet season and again during the dry season. Wet season 2022: Total coliforms and Escherichia coli exceeded the acceptable limits for several artisanal wells but were not detected in municipal wells. Mercury and arsenic were detected in all wells during at least one sampling period. Dry season 2023: Total coliforms exceeded the acceptable limits for all wells and E. coli was detected in all four artisanal wells. Lead and arsenic were detected in all wells. Our results suggest that water from artisanal wells does not meet COGUANOR or WHO microbiological criteria for human consumption.
Cigarette butts (CBs) have serious harmful effects on the environment and living organisms despite their small size. This research aims to investigate the abundance, densities and pollution status of CBs in Cox's Bazar Sea beach. The survey was conducted between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. in February 2023, during the peak season of the year. A total of 13,988 CBs were collected, and the mean density was 0.388 m-2 and ranges from 0.195 m-2 - to 0.689 m-2. The mean CBPI value was 7.78, which showed the "high pollution" status. According to CBPI analysis, 25 %, 41.67 %, 16.67 %, and 16.67 % were "severe pollution", "considerable pollution", "high pollution", and "pollution" status, respectively. From HII values, 91.67 % beach fell within the "Class III" category, indicating abundant toxic CBs in the study area. A total of 13 brands were identified, of which Derby (19.31 %), B&H (18.54 %), and Star (11.26 %) were more abundant brands. These findings from this study aim to increase awareness of the harmful effects of cigarette butts discarded intentionally or unintentionally by smokers.
An undervalued role of rural healthcare provision is its impact on forests and carbon balance. In addition to the effects of healthcare provision and livelihood programmes on improved human health, these programmes can also reduce forest degradation and prevent deforestation-related carbon emissions, since unaffordable healthcare drives logging as a source of rescue income. Shocks such as the Covid-19 pandemic may exacerbate this dynamic. Health In Harmony and Planet Indonesia are two planetary health non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) that work together with communities living in and around tropical rainforests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
We used a cross-sectional mixed-methods survey in November-December 2021 to evaluate healthcare access and livelihoods in 1,016 households across six NGO-affiliated villages and four unaffiliated control villages. Additionally, satellite-generated imagery retrieved between January 2018 and December 2021 was used to contrast relative deforestation rates in 28 NGO-affiliated and 1,421 unaffiliated control villages bordering protected rainforests across Kalimantan.
This study was approved by the Stanford University Institutional Review Board and by the Institut Pertanian Bogor Ethical Review Board.
After accounting for environmental variables that affect deforestation, satellite analysis suggested that prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, average weekly deforestation rates in NGO-affiliated villages (0.018%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.012-0.026%) were 70% lower than in unaffiliated villages (0.062%; 95%CI, 0.045-0.078%; p<0.0001). Following the WHO pandemic declaration, deforestation rates dropped and then gradually rebounded in both NGO-affiliated and unaffiliated villages, with NGO-affiliated villages maintaining significantly lower average deforestation rates (0.008%; 95%CI, 0.005-0.011%) during the pandemic than unaffiliated villages (0.026%; 95%CI, 0.019-0.032%; p<0.01). Survey results indicated that clinic visits, out-of-pocket healthcare spending, and the proportion of households unable to access healthcare increased across all villages during the pandemic. The main reasons given for access problems were around fears of contracting Covid-19, unaffordability, or clinic closure. Throughout the pandemic, households affiliated with Health In Harmony, which runs a health clinic, were less likely to report barriers to affordable clinic access than households in unaffiliated villages (14% vs. 29%; odds ratio (OR); 0.41,95%CI, 0.2-0.69). Households in NGO-affiliated villages were more likely to do jobs with low environmental impact (e.g., small-scale farming, conservation; OR 1.61,95%CI, 1.15-2.24). Half of households in both groups reported income loss from at least one source during the pandemic, but households in NGO-affiliated villages were more likely to gain alternative income from multiple job types, especially resource-neutral jobs (e.g., public servant, sales, services). Additionally, households in NGO-affiliated villages had more sources of economic support, such as government programmes, co-operatives, family and NGO’s (OR 1.36, 95%CI, 1.11-1.69).
Communities with better access to healthcare and livelihood support were associated with significantly lower deforestation rates prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, and this lower reliance on forest-degrading income was resilient to the pandemic shock.
None declared.
Outbreaks of unknown aetiology in complex settings pose challenges and there is little information about investigation methods. We reviewed investigations into such outbreaks to identify methods favouring or impeding identification of the cause.
We used two approaches: reviewing scientific literature and soliciting key informants. Case studies were developed through interviews with people involved and triangulated with documents available from the time of the investigation.
Ten outbreaks in African or Asian countries within the period 2007–2017 were selected. The cause was identified in seven, of which two had an unclear mode of transmission, and in three, neither origin nor transmission mode was identified. Four events were caused by infectious agents and three by chemical poisoning. Despite differences in the outbreaks, similar obstacles were noted: incomplete or delayed description of patients, comorbidities confounding clinical pictures and case definitions wrongly attributed. Repeated rounds of data collection and laboratory investigations were common and there was limited capacity to ship samples.
It was not possible to define activities that led to prompt identification of the cause in the case studies selected. Based on the observations, we conclude that basing case definitions on precise medical observations, implementing initial comprehensive data collection, including environmental, social and behavioural information; and involving local informants could save precious time and hasten implementation of control measures.