Journal Article > Case Report/SeriesFull Text
Trauma Case Rep. 2023 September 24; Volume 48; 100943.; DOI:10.1016/j.tcr.2023.100943
Ismaiel S, Massadeh HA, Fakhri RM
Trauma Case Rep. 2023 September 24; Volume 48; 100943.; DOI:10.1016/j.tcr.2023.100943
3D printers can produce specific medical objects that are tailored to the individual patient's needs, and if they are combined with a personalized orthopedic rehabilitation, it can result in improved functional outcomes. We present a 26-year-old male war victim with multiple injuries in his lower and upper limbs. The use of standard crutches was impossible, so we developed a customized 3D-printed crutch with a relative low cost. The gait and balance scores—as a part of the Tinetti score—improved immediately, and the patient's QUEST 2.0 questionnaire was high after 4 weeks of the crutches use, indicating high patient's satisfaction.